Public Affairs        


Building and maintaining long-term positive relations with government, non-profit organizations, and institutions is indispensable to corporations and organizations. A strong and sustained public affairs campaign creates these critical relationships that are earned through transparency and trust and measured in goodwill, access, influence, and support from targeted stakeholders.


We develop and implement proactive public affairs strategies to help our clients build these vital relations and partnerships. And we are powerfully positioned to assist clients with their advocacy and engagement.


Our agency’s principal and professionals have served in senior positions at all levels of government in the United States. This includes working for a U.S. President, Cabinet secretary, congressional leaders and lawmakers, governors, and serving as an local elected official. Some have served as senior advisors to Members of Parliament in other nations. They have represented foreign governments, held top positions in multinational organizations and non-governmental organizations, and worked in international public affairs.


Team members are decades-long veterans of some of the most consequential U.S. and foreign presidential, federal, state, and local political campaigns and successful public affairs advocacy campaigns. They have held senior leadership positions in these campaigns, advising on strategy, messaging, and media communications.


These former insiders understand the intersection of politics, government, messaging, policy, and media. As seasoned, bipartisan lobbyists and government relations counselors, they wield the necessary knowledge, skills, relationships, access, and influence to turn the levers of power to achieve client priorities.


We help clients initiate or enhance dialogue and build positive relations with government, organizations, and stakeholders. Our team researches issues and formulates positions on legislation and policies. We craft clear, persuasive messaging and use media and public affairs communications to disseminate key ideas. We also leverage grassroots advocacy and develop strategic alliances with supportive groups to promote and accomplish shared policy aims.


Through proactive, effective lobbying, we help clients engage, educate, and enlist the assistance of elected leaders, lawmakers, officials, and other public stakeholders to advocate vigorously for client interests and attain significant victories.


What We Do:

  • Public affairs
  • Strategy planning
  • Issue, legislative, and policy research
  • Message development
  • Issue, cause, and policy advocacy strategy and campaign planning, implementation, and management
  • Issues management
  • Grassroots involvement
  • Alliance development
  • Public affairs engagement, including lobbying and direct advocacy


To learn more, please contact