Digital Strategy & Engagement     


Strong digital and social media presence and robust online engagement are critical to the success of all organizations today. That’s why we leverage comprehensive digital and social media, marketing, advocacy, and other services and strategies to design and implement highly effective campaigns for clients. We develop, drive, and deliver solutions that get results.


Through targeted digital and social media engagement, we help clients create and scale their online presence in the ever-expanding digital world. By leveraging proven tactics and data-driven tools, we enable clients to increase their digital visibility, build connections, and gain influence and support. We promote client brands, businesses, products, services, and missions; generate leads and sales; and attract new customers and audiences. In addition, we use digital advocacy to bring powerful influence to bear on government decision makers as we shape legislation, policy, and regulations.


Our deep digital expertise positions us uniquely to provide comprehensive digital and social media services to clients. We can manage their digital and social media assets and engagement as well as their media, advertising, marketing, and advocacy campaigns.


What We Do:

Digital and Social Media, Advertising, Marketing, and Advocacy


  • Digital and social media, advertising, marketing, and advocacy
  • Content, conversation, community, and competitor audits
  • Training and coaching
  • Digital and social media strategy planning, execution, and management (paid, earned, shared,  owned)
  • Message and storyline creation
  • Online executive, corporate, and organizational presence development and enhancement
  • Digital advertising strategy planning, execution, and management (paid, earned, shared,  owned)
  • Digital marketing strategy planning, execution, and management (paid, earned, shared,  owned)
  • Content strategy planning
  • Content creation
  • Content calendar and distribution schedule preparation
  • Profiles, blogs, bylines, posts, and other content creation and distribution across social media platforms, including LinkedIn and Twitter, for corporate executives, managers, sales professionals, companies, government, government officials, and non-profit organization chiefs
  • Social and digital presence optimization to boost attention, audience and followers (Facebook  likes, Twitter retweets, YouTube views), share of voice, reputation, thought leadership, social  selling index, and marketing impact
  • Digital advocacy strategy planning, execution, and management (paid, earned, shared,  owned)
  • Media monitoring and social listening
  • Data analytics and metrics to assess campaign performance and results


To learn more, please contact